I've spent many days in the city lately working. While it's always good to replenish your bank account,
( and we definitely need it now that the Subaru definitely has a blown head gasket. very sad) it's been hard to be away from home and family. February is a hard month and pretty much all of us have suffered from some anxiety that has led to colds. I'm trying to make the best of it but the art comes slowly when you're not able to maintain a groove. I'm going to keep trying. I'm starting with these pics.
On a lighter note, little j's school gave us all bird feeders for the holidays and Big J and I have have kind of become crazy bird watchers. We sit on the couch with out bird book identifying them.
I really like the dark eyed juncos. They're kind of shy and plump
These are the black capped chickadees. Very friendly and the first ones to start eating.
I found these this morning while checking out manmadediy. They're by photographer Thomas Allen. They're the covers, or inside illustrations, of pulp fiction novels. I really like them and wish I could afford to but one!