We've been watching them develop under logs and the other day when we went to check on them, we couldn't find them. Then we started seeing them everywhere!
I've been struggling a bit ever since open studios ended. It's so hard for me to make art without a deadline.We're going to turn our unused garage into a studio for me which is both exciting and terrifying. I was good for a few weeks about throwing out all the garbage we've collected over the years but I seem to have hit a wall. It's a bit overwhelming thinking about the gift that I can give to myself ( a dojo, a scared space meant for the making of art). I tend to fall back on the old" we have no time,money, energy" to make it happen. While all this may be true , it's just not an excuse anymore. I can't make art on the tiny amount of table space I've carved out for myself in the smallest room in the house. It's time. Just like these 17 years cicadas.