July 26, 2012

lazy days

Summer has always been a hard time for me to get creative. But, I'm realizing that the more I make, the more I can't live without making. It seems if I go too long without creating something I get very cranky. (Have I said that before? I think I have. I think I need to say it A LOT until it really sticks!) July has been a little rough for me because little j has been around  and big J has had to work so I've been doing a lot of the child care/ entertaining, which leaves little time for me to have some creative space. The other thing though, is that I need to get use to the idea that I can ask for time and then take that time when it's given. That takes some getting use to for me. 
These are from summer activities with j. 

An impromptu Andy Goldworthy

 Our favorite hangout this summer

July 9, 2012

Summer again

How did it happen so quickly again! Here's some pics from the last few months as summer has rolled in.
A quillow made for a friend. It's a quilt that folds up into a pillow. I was a bit resistant at first because it didn't seem like something I was interested in doing but once I started I really enjoyed making it.

 J doesn't like to have his picture taken anymore but agreed if he could have a brownie. done!

 When I was little, my family went on a vacation to Rockport MA for a week during the summer. It was a magical place for me and my sister, in part, simply because we were on vacation and we didn't do a lot of that. My mom had taken us to the local library where we got to choose an embroidery pattern for our jean jackets. This was mine. I remember making it and the pride I felt when it was done. Pretty cool that J likes it!

J is around for most of the summer so it may be hard for me to make stuff. My hands are itchy, not literally. I just need to be making things and it feels bad not to be creative. This week j is in camp so i have a little time for me.I'll check in at the end of the week. Thanks for sticking with me.....